The "Corona Virus" Pandemic

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How the "COVID" Tests are Detecting any Coronavirus

Post by golly »

Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19
( ... 19/5707781)
I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.

This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.

The problem is the test is known not to work.

It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.
My analysis of this article is that it collects data about the issue that I have been noticing as well.

I have paid attention to the idea that the tests are flawed. I have also noticed (and I will bring up another point about) this.

I have paid attention recently to the idea that tests are seeking RNA specific to COVID-19 and the documentation effort is going alright. However, it is not being detected in cases where people are anxious, loopy, tired, have difficulty breathing from fear, colds, allergies and have serious pre-existing conditions. I tend to believe the biologists I know trying to isolate this thing and successfully confirming they do not have COVID. Yet sometimes they are being treated as if they have it, or possibly even get it while in hospital conditions.

I have paid attention to reports that Black, Hispanic and Asian folks are being "practiced on" by medical practitioners treating people with various symptoms (even tested negative for COVID-19) with extreme COVID-19 methods like putting them on ventilators and overdosing them:

(In the above video New York Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse, she mentions how $29,000 can also come to the hospital due to the ventilator bursting someone's lungs. This is supposedly in order to "help" ordinarily healthy people.)

Today I am learning that the amplification of small amounts of what virology would call "corona viruses" in people with otherwise healthy immune systems is a problem.

Further on the article says:
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.

And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
This is consistent with what I've been following about how corona viruses are torn up into tiny shreds by a healthy immune system just because that's what happens when a "virus" RNA is dismantled down to safe inactive components. It's also true that corona viruses share DNA and RNA in a way that could be expected to result in conflation when looking at the tiny broken down components.

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Possible remedies

Post by golly »

There is no reason any government should get between the doctor-patient relationship
- a nurse working in a badly affected hospital in New York, after watching ventilators getting used to kill healthy patients

There have been a number of doctors practicing from each professional basis of their own to find a way to treat the patients they care about. They are not receiving "top down" orders to fill beds or hook up ventilators for money.

These remedies should be investigated as remedies to severe COVID-19 type infections causing flu-symptoms, fever, vein damage and 60-70 oxygen levels (well below the "normal" 90) due to white thick secretions in the lungs.

Remedy 1.
Various therapies available to indigenous people who have maintained their own methods of health regulation

Remedy 2.
Vitamin C to provide antioxidant power for lungs to kick out the pus or mucus or whatever builds up in the lungs, as practiced by a Dr. Chang. Vitamins, steroids and blood thinners combined with Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine injected. As practiced by Dr. Joseph Varon of United Memorial Medical Center. Dr. Anthony Cardillo says it only works in conjunction with Zinc. This would be consistent with the ideas that Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc are critical to boost the immune system in the veins, right where the virus attacks, and right where our human immune system could benefit most. Within 8-12 hours Dr. Cardillo reports his most ill patients were essentially symptom free due to the hydroxychloroquine opening up a channel for the Zinc to enter the infected areas and prevent replication.

Remedy 3.
The remedies outlined by Anthroposophical society practitioners who recommend certain homeopathic treatments as well as warm ginger compresses on the back

Remedy 4.
Ozone therapy to treat double pneumonias and allow the body to heal itself

Remedy 5.
Vibrational/frequency therapies that either affect water to be imbibed or directly affect the human body in such a way that the viral replication cannot occur and the immune system simply flushes the disease out

Remedy 6.
Remdesivir, steroids and perhaps other mainstream treatments. Only listing this lower because of the extreme worry that doctors have about pharmaceuticals outside vaccination. ... r/12414604 This article from William Petri physician and scientist at the University of Virginia says: "Remdesivir: yes, decreases hospital stay" and "Tocilizumab: too early to judge" and "Convalescent plasma: too early to judge" and "ACE inhibitors and ARBs: keep taking them" as well as endorsing some steroid use.

There are probably many more ways we can approach this issue, which benefits our doctor-patient relationships, our immune systems and our mental health. Since corona viruses are common, there could be another bad one, one day, before we understand our bodies and natures enough to not be affected badly by them. Therefore, some regular "vaccine" for a corona virus pandemic is perhaps the most aggressive (maybe even ineffective?) allopathic way to help people (but possibly the best way to maliciously profit off of illness while also insuring people will continue to become sick from the resulting acidosis from the vaccine cocktail). Besides heavy metals, there is lately a cocktail of experimental genetic material in the vaccines, which means people receiving them are being treated somewhat as experiments.

It's not yet clear to me why this is favored first before other treatments that are shown to work, except perhaps the profit motive.

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More remedies!

Post by golly »

Reading a new book by Dr. Cass Ingram, I discovered that the WHO is actually fully aware that Oregano Oil will cure an individual of COVID-19 or any other 'corona virus' type disease. The author alleges that the reason they do not reveal this is because they are being highly propped up by the corrupt cabals of secondary pig meat markets (the possible source of the corona variety in the first place) and (loosely pharmaceutical) for-profit vaccine programs and businesses.

It turns out the following recommendation has been published this summer on page 62 of their rather sensational sounding book COVID-19 REMEDY: The Real Truth Revealed
[In treating and preventing SARS, COVID and corona virus type infections of all kinds, t]here should be the effort to eat more garlic and onion, while using a greater amount of cloves, basil, rosemary, and similar spices in the diet. The focus, though, would be on the addition of extra amounts in the diet of [wild organic varieties of the following spices] cumin, [Ceylon] cinnamon, bay leaf, sage, ginger, and oregano. Combined with supplements made from the spices in the form of oil extracts there is nothing else that a person needs.

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Testing for and treating the elusive COVID-19

Post by golly »

It has been tricky to search for what the test actually looks like.

It doesn't help that this pandemic (which could be viewed as being treated like some extinction-level in danger, if you buy all the fearmongering media) is actually really hard to identify.

It apparently resembles a cold or flu, which humans have been living with since a time immemorial. It is just said to be ten to twenty times more powerful than an ordinary flu. It has perhaps been "cross-bred" (built) with pieces of human-sticky illnesses like HPV, HIV or other general viruses if we follow the bio-engineering storylines about how inoculations and vaccines are made with gain-of-function research. However, it is also unclear how an "unalive" virus can spread without the movement of "living" bacteria. So if this contagion can be attributed to germs in some scientifically proven formula (which despite the number of cases, is oddly missing from the public/scientific record) then we could at least know how so many untested (or inadequately tested) people can be diagnosed with something based mostly on symptomology that matches colds, flus and other common ailments.

In many cases, we've been discussing every rumor of people's deaths being ignored or mis-attributed. These numbers are high. In fact, some are said to have their deaths attributed to COVID (for hospitals to receive related compensation) even when they may have been involved in the more deadly phenomenon of car accidents, the forms of acidosis known as cancer, or heart disease from poor diet, highly toxic waste in the environment and severe depressions and anxieties.

There are at least three people in my own social circle who know people who went to get tested in a line of cars (where you are tested by impromptu pro staff in a public area like a park) and did not have time to take the actual test. So they left their paperwork on the clipboard and went on to go about their day. Later, they were surprised to be contacted by the medical team and told that their results came back positive for COVID. This makes no sense because they didn't actually take a test. So what is going on here? I've heard of at least one case each in Texas, Arizona, Florida and other states.

Just earlier in the month of September, the CDC quietly announced that over 90% of the deaths from the pandemic disease, whatever its nature, were people who were older (in their 70s, 80s, and so on) and who had two additional comorbidities (life-threatening illnesses).

And just recently the CDC released further figures:
Screenshot from 2020-09-24 10-34-18.png
Screenshot from 2020-09-24 10-34-18.png (212.71 KiB) Viewed 2802 times
This graphic indicates that the percentage of all infected who survive at different age groups:

Ages 0-19: 99.997%
Ages 20-49: 99.98%
Ages 50-69: 99.5%
Ages 70 and older: 94.6%

This strangely indicates that the high death rates seen in hospitals could be attributed to hospital practices.

The actual deadliest problem with this disease appears in some ways to be how it is tested and how it is treated.

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Possible remedies part 2

Post by golly »

I thought this post from Reddit was interesting:
My experience with Hydroxychloroquine
In my country(India) HCQ + zinc is being widely used as a prophylactic for Covid since April. Personally, me and my family have been taking it on a weekly basis with no side effects. My maternal aunt who is a doctor at AIIMS Delhi ( the top medical institute in India) was the one who recommended it to us and she also told me that they have noted those who were using HCQ had significantly milder Covid even for those who are at risk. Recently, two of my paternal relatives caught Covid and it was nothing more than a mild flu even though they were both 60+ and one has severe diabetes and one is obese+diabetic. When they visited their doctor, he told them that they would have most definitely gotten a very severe form of COVID had they not been taking HCQ for their arthritis since many years. I know this is all anecdotal but still wanted to posted this. I hate how International media is so rigged against this drug and constantly misreporting on it. No, it’s not a cure and no, it won’t help much if covid has already severely manifested you and no, it will not prevent you from catching it but it will help in reducing the chances of you dying from it. I think HCQ is one of the reasons for the low death rate in India as compared to most countries.
Many comments seem to confirm that one of the reasons it may be suppressed is because it cannot make gobs of money like other solutions.

Additional treatments (from reddit u/333929):

Hydroxychloroquine + zinc ... r-BB12cfG5

Vitamin D + Zinc ... pitalized/

Hydrogen Peroxide + saline water in nebulizer ... erapy.aspx

UV light treatment ... 2982609920


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New Research: Asymptomatic People are not dangerous

Post by golly »

If you believe in the virus/germ theory, or not, you may be interested to find:
Virus cultures were negative for all asymptomatic [yet] positive and repositive cases, indicating no "viable virus" in positive cases detected in the study.

This essentially translates to: if you are not sick, if you are asymptomatic, you are not going to make someone else sick.

What an interesting study! Yet, it makes sense with what we might consider "common sense" as well, does it not?
Screenshot from 2020-12-02 16-24-24.png
Screenshot from 2020-12-02 16-24-24.png (102.9 KiB) Viewed 2772 times

No cases of asymptomatic but positive people in Cambridge study
Members of all 10positive pools were invited for individual confirmatory tests. As of Sunday 6th December, all students have been re-tested. Of the positive pools:
  • 0 pools were true positives (i.e. included at least 1 student confirmed to be positive on individual testing).
  • 10 pools were false positives (i.e. all individual confirmatory tests were negative, following pooled screening test results which were positive at the limit of detection)
  • 0 pools have outstanding results
Based on these data, we did not detect any new cases of asymptomaticCOVID-19 amongst 9,376 students living in College accommodation screened this week. ... v-6dec.pdf

In this document, they gathered ten pools of data comprising 9,376 valid PCR tests and found that after testing them a second time, all the false positives were removed to reveal that no asymptomatic people tested positive for targeted corona virii.

In other words, whether you believe in germ theory or not, more studies are coming out showing that asymptomatic people are almost always false positives.

This would dovetail very well with studies I have heard about in other parts of the world, which have indicated that the PCR tests are "finding" illness where it does not exist, and may be getting abused to exaggerate the effect of the pandemic illness in question.

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Possible remedies part 3

Post by golly »

There is a scientist and doctor (apparently miscredited as a "politician" in media according to himself) who has found a drug solution to the latest corona panics. The man is Dr. Pierre Kory. It turns out that he is part of a group of highly published physicians that helped argue against corticosteroids in the early stages of the declared pandemic, which turned out to be critical advice in preventing millions of cases of maltreatments.

He returned to public announcements recently after nine months of studying a way to prevent the disease (saying that he is troubled by the FDA, CDC and NIH ignoring the solution of researching repurposed drugs).

"Everything has been about novel and expensive pharmaceutically engineered drugs," he says, "Like Remdesivir."

His colleague Dr. Riter just published something about it.

The drug is called Ivermectin. You can view the early (August 27) recommendation against using it here: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines. ... vermectin/

However, the doctor criticizes this "clinical trial" limitation and says that using it in high doses has proven effective in incredible ways. It's apparently not only effective in prophylaxis; it also has the potential for incredible antiviral activity. The hospitalized patients will also show much lower rates of sickness and death from corona viruses of all kinds.

He stresses that we need to stop ignoring these solutions because all evidence indicates the illness disproportionally impacts people of color in a very real and terrifying way. This is exactly what I have been hearing from every which way one tries to find information on the disease.

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Re: The "Corona Virus" Pandemic

Post by golly »

Uri Geller is known for being a person with special powers and connections to hidden information.

He seems to be convinced that the "manufactured virus" of COVID-19 is also somehow controllable on a quantum level. He claims his "contacts" (and I do think he would be constantly surrounded by vying spies to befriend and confuse him on purpose, given his wealth in his reputation) say that it was made by people who believe themselves superior. He also seems to be convinced that they actually are in some way, due to their ability to make this. However, I would suggest they are not because they do not act with proper consideration and respect of the rest of the world, which would (in my estimation) counteract the consideration that they are "superior" to their target. A predator is only "superior" to prey in one very shallow sense, while in real senses it is very much not.

What I would suggest is that we, as a species, as sacred beings of Earth, have the ability to affect things through consciousness and through prayer. In this way, we have the ability to reduce violence and perhaps even neutralize the "program" and bring blessings to this place through our connection to the divine (accomplished through love, awareness of love, gratitude, awareness of gratitude and other amazing and life enhancing powers). In that sense, even if the "virus" (should we believe in a viral theory) is somehow programmable on a quantum level (which also sounds very much like Star Trek pseudo-scientific babble) in order to "attack" some people, then we should be able to simply program it the other way. We should, through the power of good itself, be able to send it the other way. Make it stop harming people, for instance.

He claims there are groups that wanted to invest in bioweapons and so China sent an individual to Milano and then Tehran in order to infect a high number of people. However the flask or whatever was used to infect people became loose and it also got "out of control". He also says that many phone numbers in China, according to the NSA, suddenly were deactivated, which he suggests means the death toll in Wuhan (and China in general) is much higher than the country is admitting. There is also footage, he claims, of tens of thousands of phones being shoved around by a machine. This sounds like it could be anything at all, without specifics. After all, phones often go to China to be landfilled and to pollute the poor Chinese land. His story is slightly confusing, which doesn't necessarily make it false. However, I don't subscribe to Uri Geller's ideas, nor do I necessarily trust everything fed to him by what he claims are third-party "credible sources". However, I felt compelled to add it to the list of various theories around COVID-19, as well as my commentary.

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Re: The "Corona Virus" Pandemic

Post by golly »

There is more reaching my attention recently about this pandemic or endemic or whatever it is. The first two information bits are very important, and were communicated in the third hour of the Coast to Coast AM episode of June 2nd 2020 featuring David B. Sereda.

• pneumonia kills 3 million people a year worldwide

• the flu of 2018 apparently was killing as many Americans as the coronas of 2020

• the SARS COV II has no actual isolation recorded, due to the fact that by Koch's postulate the virus has not been identified except by symptoms and some RNA responses

• corona virus RNA "related" to SARS COV II is "testing positive" in sewage dating back several years, which challenges the idea that the virus is "novel" (or new, or engineered)

• based on research of family and friends, the W.H.O. has reduced the number of people who died with a COVID-19 diagnosis on record without comorbidities to fewer than 10,000 people worldwide, making it less the culprit of deaths than heart disease, poor diet, car crashes, depression (suicide and mentally ill episodes), and a variety of other issues that are (with the possible but dubious exception of traffic, due to lock downs) not being helped by any direct health efforts correlated to these problems

• based on my own observations of media behavior in 2020 and so far in 2021, the news media actively promotes the (so far unchallenged) idea that the flu incidents have dropped down to less than 10% of the cases recorded the previous year

The cavalier redditor response "Big if true." comes to mind, but all of this seems to suggest that the declared pandemic is more the consequence of a policy change rather than a change in human health conditions.

To complicate matters, when trying to describe these events, the policy change itself is affecting human health conditions. As a result, to a great degree, mask mandates, social distancing, lock downs and increased addiction deaths and depression deaths from the policy change appear to some to be more harmful than the actual "super flu" or "corona virus" diseases. In addition, the blind spots of the Statist colonizing colonized-mind medical culture are forcing more people of color to rely on bad treatments, and get stuck in ignorant treatments like ventilators and drugs that kill patients diagnosed with COVID-19, whether they are actually symptomatic or not. Treatments that cure the sick should not murder the well. In short, the "treatments" are murdering the well and the unwell. Therefore, the treatments are horrifically dumb.

Yet, treatments exist. As I've pointed out. Doctors are curing hundreds and thousands of patients, and they are not doing it through the policies that have brought hospitals to capacity (in the case hospitals can actually be shown to be at or near capacity).

On some hand (or maybe just a couple fingers), there are intriguing benefits from any slowed consumerist activity (reducing unsustainable levels of consumption of resources) and there are some who seem to be saying that it's worth all this destruction of human life and activity because we should all change how we think of flus and colds; they think that we need to behave as though the flus and colds are deadly pandemics that are the killers.

To me, this argument sounds vaguely like accusing the brain of being responsible for madness, so we should remove all brains.

The idea that we should keep Draconian Statist technology responding to the spread of a virus would arguably be contradicted by reformation of the virus germ and contagion theories, if we decide we should awaken to that; in that case, we might become more aware of the possibility that colds, flus and so-called viruses are actually RNA programs of the functioning human community as each member (each human body) attempts to purge toxins through a symptomatic behavior related to toxic mucus. I don't fully understand this science, nor what the purpose of a fever is in such a case (unless that's just a consequence of the body working).

As for injection treatments, that's almost a whole other topic separate from all the rest.

The whole media policy of trying to push experimental MRNA cell-reprogramming treatments on billions of people and calling the treatments "vaccines", even though it introduces additional unknown factors, toxins, health issues and deaths, and it doesn't lift any of the mask-lockdown-distancing policy and it doesn't alleviate the flood of malpractice and misdiagnosed, mistreated and essentially murdered hospital patients — while habitually censoring, erasing and suppressing safe, effective, traditional alternatives (covered in other posts, though it's worth mentioning oregano, other spices and foods again) — seems misguided at best. The media policy would be downright criminal if the media could be found responsible for their irresponsible behavior, and the policy pushers would be in jail, if their policy were at a scale that could involve lawsuits defending human rights to be free from eugenics experiments.

It could be we will be seeing some of those lawsuits soon. Or maybe they won't matter because the ignorant and evil will be removed from positions of power, regardless.

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Post by golly »

There are strange political pushes for anti-COVID-19 injections they call "vaccines" (though the efficacy is not wonderful, to be mandatory). Let's take a look at this phenomenon.

Is the mRNA shot arguably "nanotechnology"? Well, yes, it is!

It's essentially on a physical level an artificial RNA program built into a compound in a lab, coated in something the human cell will "enjoy" (sent through cell lining) and then disintegrated within one's cells to try to make the cells produce proteins considered "ACE virus receptors". This is all in the hopes that:

1. The artificial chemical instructions arrive in the cell intact
2. The disintegration process is welcome by the cell
3. The cell produces the COVID-19 pieces (the virus' receptors)
4. The body *reacts* to the pieces as if there were a viral infection
5. The body therefore builds "recognition" and "resistance" against COVID-19 pieces

How is it going?

Well, arguably not ideally. According to an Israeli study, about 30 times more cases of severe illness are appearing from "vaccinated" people than people simply acute COVID-19 infections. This is probably because the infection doesn't kill people so much as the severe immune system reactions to the infection.

In addition, people are reporting extreme reactions to many of the injection treatments. In one case, a doctor who wanted to push the vaccine actually died of a stroke really quickly because his own immune system attacked itself. His wife later came out with the story in order to tell people what happened.

The so-called innoculations are causing:

Uncontrollable muscle movement and spasms
Cerebral palsy, particularly affecting the face
Immune system disorders
Blood clots, strokes, heart attacks
Vaginal bleeding and abnormal periods (including in people who have experienced menopause)

Reports of the numbers of deaths are being chalked up to "coincidence" even by the same medical staff who claim COVID-19 is the main cause of death in people with one (or more!) co-morbidities such as life-threatening heart issues, severe diabetes and so on. In other words, the serious pre-existing conditions are considered "coincidence" in the deaths of those who get COVID-19 infections that end up complicating the issues and killing them; but if someone without health issues dies from the injections, it is also considered a "coincidence".

Some people are seriously failing in their professional oaths to heal people. The numerous safer cures for COVID-19 are being sidelined for what reason? Do the vaccine manufacturers have our politicians in their pockets?


As a result, several countries have halted AstraZeneca health corporation's injection:

South Africa

In addition, Estonia pushed back at least once before allowing the political push for vaccination with this dubious medicine to go forward. Meanwhile, the W.H.O. backed study that oregano oil clears the infection safely and naturally continues to be bizarrely ignored.

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